Scoutbook and Scoutbook Plus Help
From the first knot tied to the final hours of service performed, the Scouting experience is a journey like none other. And Scoutbook is your go-to tool to ensure not a moment is missed - tracking advancement, milestone achievements and all the fun along the way.
If your pack, troop, crew, or ship is already using Scoutbook, Login and to get started. If not, find out how to set up a Unit in Scoutbook.
Scoutbook gives leaders access to tools and resources to handle the day- to-day management of a unit.
Scoutbook and Scoutbook Plus allows you to create customizable calendars, create text and email alerts for families and enter advancements, service hours and leadership.
Sioux Council has created a special email (please give name, unit # & Scout's name in email) to request help with:
Scoutbook/ScoutbookPlus questions
Linking issues between Scouts & parents,
Password issues.
Please address any Scoutbook/Scoutbook Plus questions or issues by clicking HERE to send us an email.
To go to the Scoutbook website, click HERE.
Click HERE to go to the Scoutbook Forum.