Membership Resources
Planning for your membership growth is planning for the future of your program. Membership is the lifeblood of every Pack, Troop, Crew and Post. Nothing works—popcorn, Friends of Scouting, activities, events—without membership.
The Sioux Council is committed to helping units grow both youth and adult membership. Below are resources for BeAScout, my.Scouting and recruiting adults to needed unit positions.
Membership Webinars
In 2024, it is required to have one person from each unit attend the Membership Webinars to receive your additional 3% Popcorn Commission, which is an increase from last year.
The Membership Webinars sessions will be on August 5th and 8th at 6:00pm each night. Click on one the links below to register to attend:
- August 5th REGISTER
- August 8th REGISTER
Annual Renewal Resources:
BeAScout and Unit Pin Management
Organization Manager Settings for Units
Cub Scout Pack Materials:
Sign Up Parent Orientation Video
Scouts BSA Troop Materials: