How To Register For Events
- Go to and click ‘Log In’ (top right corner).
- Log in to your account – all Sioux Council Troop and Packs have an account set up.
- If you are registering as an individual or are with another Council, you can create an account if you do not already have one.
- If you have an account and forgot your password or your unit leadership has changed and didn’t pass on the password, you will need to contact the Center for Scouting to have it reset.
- Click on the ‘Event’ icon (left side of page)
- Click on the event you would like to register for.
- If there is more than one date available, a list will appear. Click on the event you need.
- Click on the green ‘Register for Event’ tab.
- Enter the number of youth and number of adults who will be attending the event.
- This can be an estimate, most events allow you to change the number until the Early Bird deadline. This number helps us to control the numbers in our campsites.
- Scroll down and enter the Primary Event Contact information. Click ‘Next’. (This step is not required on all registrations)
- This screen may ask for a campsite choice or will offer other options specific to the event.
- After making your choices, click ‘Next’.
- The next screen is a summary of fees based on the numbers entered. Click ‘Complete’.
- This screen has a financial summary for the event you are currently registering for.
- You can click Checkout and pay the balance due or scroll down to add participant names.
- Scroll down to the Participants Box. Click ‘Add Participant’.
- You can choose from the roster or click ‘New Youth’ or ‘New Adult’.
- Enter information requested. Make sure the grade and t-shirt size are current. If any required information is missing, you will get an error message. Click ‘Next’.
- Choose the correct participant option for the person you are entering. Click ‘Next’.
- If this event includes classes or training, you will be able to choose those now.
- Any extra fees charged for classes or training will be noted and added to the balance due if that option is chosen. Click ‘Next’.
- This page is a summary page. Click ‘Complete’.
- If you need to add more participants, do so now. Or you can click on the Checkout tab and pay the balance due. You must check out, pay the balance due and submit the order to finalize any registration. Classes and trainings are not reserved until the balance is paid and the order is submitted.
- If you want the balance due deducted from your unit account, you will need to contact the Center for Scouting to make this request.
- Only individuals who are on the account will have the authority to make this request.
- To make changes or add more people to the reservation, log in and go to the event. You will see the Financial Summary box. You can add to the number of spots, follow through as noted above and then add the new participant’s information. To make a change to classes or training, click on the person’s name in the Participants box and then Manage Registration. Any classes or trainings will be listed. To make changes, click Edit Registration. Classes and trainings will be listed on the right side of the screen, click Remove and choose an alternate class or click ‘Next’.
- Click ‘Complete’.
- Make sure you click on the Checkout tab or the shopping cart and submit the order even if there is no balance due. This step finalizes your reservation.